Deciphering Electricity Supply Options is Too Complicated
It requires:
- Understanding of competitive retail choice & the role of utility Price-to-Compare (PTC)
- Understanding of supply options
- Knowledge of the electricity supply chain
- A rubric for comparing competing offers
- Considerations for local specificities
- Knowledge of market trends and forecasts
Who’s got time for all of that?
Make better-informed decisions with Workflow Control
Our procurement technology solution, using market-based analytics and AI, helps decision-makers buy energy contracts at the right time & at the best price

Download our whitepaper to learn how Price-to-Compare (PTC) can be used in your decision making.
We firmly believe that data is power. Our technology synthesizes supply options and eliminates the guesswork in comparing custom third-party supply offers by validating terms and product offerings.
A listing of states where Workflow Control is licensed to broker 3rd party electricity and natural gas supply contracts: